May 2, 2024

Murdoch to Fox News

Top Secret

To: Suzanne Scott, CEO Fox News

From: Rupert Murdoch

Subject: Vaccination

This note is to remind you that the sole mission, the only purpose of Fox News is to maximize shareholder value, which means maximizing revenue.

As you well know, maximizing our advertising revenue means getting the highest ratings possible, which we do by entertaining, outraging and reinforcing the biases of our audience. 

You’ve done a great job of hiring beautiful women and handsome men who are good at entertaining and outraging people.  However, with the new Delta variation of the virus, by some of our hosts advising people not to get vaccinated, we are killing off our viewers.

Let me remind you that over 70 percent of our viewers are over 65, the most vulnerable to get infected and die.  In states with low vaccination rates (where a large percentage of our audience lives) more than 99 percent of COVID-19 deaths over the past six months were among unvaccinated people.  We’re losing viewers!

Create more PSAs about getting vaccinated and run them more often.

It’s OK for our entertainers to support that idiot Trump, but it’s not OK for them to tell people that ”it’s their choice” to get vaccinated.  If our audience doesn’t get vaccinated, the worst possible thing imaginable might happen: Our audience might decline and we could lose money.